Conference Chairperson & Opening Remarks
Damien Keogh SC, Managing Partner, DKA Solicitors
Preparing & Defending Construction Contract Claims
Speaker: Billy Morrissey, Chartered Civil Engineer, LLM in Construction Law and Arbitration; Conciliator, Adjudicator & Project Manager
- Have You come across the 6 Main Causes of Claims and Disputes?
- The 4 Essential Pillars in Making a Successful Claim
- Here’s what to Consider when Responding to a Claim
- What Adjudicators and Conciliators should consider when Deciding on Claims?
Claims for Unforeseen Ground Conditions
Speaker: John Lyden, Conciliator and Arbitrator
- Where contract is silent about ground conditions
- Does the employer have to disclose existing site information?
- Documents issued ‘for information only’
- Tenderers to examine site for themselves
- Implied warranty that site information is accurate
- Site disclaimer clauses
- Public Works Contract – ‘background information’
- Pre-contractual representations
- Misrepresentation in employer’s documents
- Claims under Public Works Contracts for unforeseen ground conditions
Expect The Unexpected – Hidden Risks in a Volatile World
Speaker: Ciara Dooley, Senior Associate, Arthur Cox
Contract Risk Allocation & The Use of Standard Contracts and Clauses
Speaker: Robert Rooney, Partner, Mason Hayes and Curran
- Influence on project risk by an early-stage integration
- Latest industry trends
- Influence on project risks by an early integration of the involved parties
- Identifying deviations in different project stages
- Allocation of design responsibility as a key risk determining factor
- Views of clients, contractors and planners
Liability Issues During the Life of the Project and the Evolution of Disputes
Speaker: Kevin Harnett – Partner, Head of the Construction Team, Hayes Solicitors
- Common liability issues
- Steps to minimise or avoid liability disputes pre-contract signature
- Effective project implementation
- Establishing contractual entitlements
- How disputes evolve during the life of the project
Types of Disputes & Issues on Projects
Speaker: Chris Wheeler, (DWF Dublin) Partner, Construction and Energy
- Disputes involving delay, disruption, defects, and variations
- Remedies and processes under contracts such as suspension and termination
- Issues arising under contracts associated with the bringing of a claim, such as notices and early warning processes
- How the mechanics work out in construction disputes
- Contractual issues associated with disputes, such as design responsibility and ground conditions
- Assessment and limitation of damages
Constant Risk Management & Regular Contract Review
Speaker: William Brown, Director, Fortfield & Brown
- Constant communication/engagement
- Scope definition
- Variations
- Unrealistic expectations
- Diverging priorities
Dispute Avoidance and Resolution
Speaker: Keith Kelliher, Kelliher and Associates Quantity Surveyors
- Forward-facing dispute resolution strategies to calm conflicts and cut costs
- Compromise approaches and ADR
- Commercial negotiation
- Adjudication
- Expert determination
- Dispute Boards: Greater use of review boards
- Mediation
- Arbitration