Conference Chairperson & Opening Remarks
Stephen Barry, Partner, Eversheds Sutherland LLP
The Planning Bill 2023 – Implications for Environmental Law
Cathal Lenaghan BL, The Law Library
Achieving Good Water Status Under the Water Framework Directive- Gap Between Policy and Practice
- What legal mechanisms are in place to ensure effective implementation at the national and local levels?
- Case studies that showcase successful and problematic implementations, and what legal lessons can be derived?
Elva Carbery, Solicitor/Legal Consultant in Planning & Environmental Law
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) - Guide for Planning Authorities
- What exactly is SEA?
- How SEA can protect the environment
- Purpose of SEA
- Steps in SEA
- Screening
- Scoping
- Impact Assessment
- Information on the decision
- Monitoring of environmental effects
- Revised SEA Guidelines – what’s new?
Tom Flynn SC, The Law Library
Offshore Wind Projects under the Maritime Area Planning Act 2021
- How does this align with environmental impact assessments and public participation?
- Could a fast-tracked process compromise thorough environmental scrutiny or citizen engagement?
- How are zones designated for wind energy, fishing, and marine conservation balanced legally?
- What legal safeguards are in place to ensure that offshore wind projects do not adversely affect marine ecosystems?
- The Act's provisions for mandatory environmental impact assessments, including how they interact with EU directives such as the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the Birds and Habitats Directives
Mark Thuillier, Senior Associate, Environment & Planning, A&L Goodbody
Environmental, Social and Governance Law, and Policy
- Legal Standardization and ESG Reporting
- Regulatory Oversight and Enforcement
- Fiduciary Duty and ESG Integration
- Social Impact and Human Rights
- Corporate Governance and Stakeholder Capitalism
Eiven Curran, BL The Law Library
Evaluation of the Environmental Liability Directive
- Has it been successful in identifying responsible parties and compelling them to bear the cost of remediation?
- Is the legal definition too narrow, or does it need to be expanded to cover other types of damage, perhaps those induced by climate change, or even social and health impacts?
- Are they really enabling public participation and access to justice, or are there barriers that need to be addressed?
Sean Ahern, BL, The Law Library
The Paris Targets and European Green Deal – Legal Arguments on Favour of Smaller Carbon Budgets
- Interpretation of the "Well Below 2Degrees" Target
- Legal Accountability for Carbon Budget Exceedance
- Equity and Climate Justice
- Retroactive Legal Liability
- Implications for Private Sector
Ade Oluborode BL, The Law Library
New Regulatory Framework for Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Shipping and Aviation Sectors Under the Green Deal
- Challenges in regulating emissions from shipping and aviation lies in the complex web of international jurisdictions.
- Emissions trading systems or carbon offsetting
- What types of sanctions or penalties should be in place for non-compliance, and how can these be enforced on a practical level?
- How can the law mandate or incentivise the rapid adoption of green without running afoul of trade laws or creating undue burdens on industry?
- How can the law ensure that the burden of transition does not disproportionately fall on vulnerable communities or smaller businesses within these sectors?
David Browne SC, The Law Library