Caroline graduated from Trinity College in 2009. She completed her intern year in St James’ Hospital and trained as a GP with the North Eastern Regional General Practice Training Scheme. She completed her post graduate training in 2015. She registered for a part time MD program with RCSI in October 2016. Her thesis is entitled, “Supporting prescribing in older adults with multimorbidity and significant prescribing in Irish Primary Care (SPPiRE): a cluster randomized controlled trial”. She is currently in practice in Dublin 15. SPPiRE is a large nationwide cluster randomized controlled trial which has recruited over 50 practices and 400 patients nationwide. The aim of the SPPiRE trial is to assess the effectiveness of a complex intervention comprising professional education and a web-guided medication review in reducing potentially inappropriate prescribing and polypharmacy in older adults with multimorbidity. It is funded by the HRB Primary Care Clinical Trial’s Network. Caroline has been a clinical lecturer in general practice in the Department of General Practice at RCSI since March 2017 and is involved in both Junior and Senior cycle teaching, assessment and syllabus development.