Gerard is co-founder of LinkResQ with over 30 years experience in the ICT sector in various roles; engineering, technical sales, call centre management, IT management and risk management. His broad experience in different functional areas coupled with his study and practice in risk management enables him to bring a deep understanding of the issues associated with Enterprise Risk Management and Business Continuity. For ten years Gerard serviced a complex Pan European technical customer base. He is an Electronic Systems graduate (UL) and a member of the UK Institute of Risk Management (IRM). He is chairman of the NSAI Risk Management Consultative Committee and was a member of the ISO Risk Management Standard (ISO 31000) Working Group. He is a member of the ISO PC 262 which was set up to develop ISO 31004 Risk Management - Guidance for the implementation of ISO 31000.
Upcoming Events
Gerard Joyce
is also speaking at the following upcoming events: